Monday, August 18, 2014

Think for Yourself! Then Find Those Who Can Teach You!

As our nation experiences weather like we’ve not seen in recorded history, tremors and sinkholes are popping everywhere, and mysterious holes appear in the middle of Siberia, it must surely be the time to hold on to that knowledge which gives us security and confidence.

But what is that knowledge? Is it the knowledge that gas gives power and money, and for most of us it comes out of a pipe, not the ground, so we are cut off from “cause and effect?” Is it that money is voice and voice is protected by the Supreme Court, even if that one voice drowns out the effects of millions of other voices? After all, that voice is speaking for what you believe in. You can’t even understand the drivel from those other voices.

Is knowledge defined by fancy colorful graphs placed behind pretty people, explaining how gas in a “clean fuel?” Or is defined by the scientists who have been studying the climate and the causes of climate shift, usually for less money than any corporate executive makes? After all,money talks right. People don’t actually DO THINGS because they feel they are the right thing to do .
Or is the knowledge you learned in kindergarten, “The roots go down and then the plant grows up?” The simple idea that plants grow based upon what they consume, and since we eat those plants, we will ultimately eat that same energy. What does it tell you that the plants can’t grow in places where the water table has been disrupted, or even worse, blown up? What will you eat while you’re toasty warm in your fancy house, if the Midwest is full of fracking wells destroying those very plants that provide our national food supply?

But wait, let’s not over-react. After all this pipeline coming through New England isn’t BEING fracked, is it? No, it’s not, but it will carry the fruits of that destruction. It will leak that toxic methane that Mother Earth has sequestered underground, not for “until later,” but “for safe keeping.” If you’re God believing person, like I am, you certainly expect that He knew what he was doing when he put toxins away from our reach. We’re not talking about the Midwest, we’re talking about New England, the land that grows rocks instead of grains for the most part. “Hard as a rock,” doesn’t mean it’s not impermeable, just that it will shatter at some point, not necessarily in a predictable fashion. The blasting that will happen here may be as destructive to our water supply as the initial drilling that happens during fracking. We won’t be experiencing the forcing of polluted water into our water supply, but eventually, who says they won’t try? Once they are allowed into an area they can expand without much trouble, because the legal precedent has been set.

It’s time to listen to our hearts, not our pockets. It’s time to think for ourselves, do the research, talk to informed people, and stop swallowing the pablum that is overly simplified on commercials and laced with “cheaper for the consumer,” spices. Is it cheaper when we can’t drink our water? Is it cheaper when our health bills climb because of illness, or our utility bills climb because there are no other options and they control the supply ? Is it cheaper when the planet isn’t liveable, but you’ve had a comfy home for a generation? Too bad for those grandkids.

Turn on your brains! Listen to the voices that speak from the heart, not the pocket. Ask questions, and then make sure you get answers. If you don’t, assume that the real answer is too uncomfortable for that person to say. Our media is controlled by those who can pay their advertising rates. Those same people have as much cash as they need to reach our politicians. The only way to be heard above the din of self-interest is to BAND together to demand answers, and ACTIONS. Once our water is gone, it’s gone. Once our planet is beyond saving, where else do we go? I like it right here, in my Blasted Town. What do you think?

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